Photo by Livestock Imaging

At Fischer Cattle Company in Great Bend, Kansas, Shorthorn cattle have been the focal point of our family's agricultural endeavors since 1950. Through constant genetic improvement and a discerning eye, we do our best to build a better beef animal.
Although our public presence has been in the show ring, we strive to provide our customers with common sense cattle that excel with traits of function, performance and eye appeal.
Great cattle are our passion and we love to share this passion with anyone who makes the trip to the plains of central Kansas.
We are also pleased to offer Central Cedar Fiber, a clean, low dust alternative to traditional bedding. Available for pickup at the farm in central Kansas.
Check back for calves available Fall 2020.

home of

Select group of calves will be available Fall 2020.
now offering
Aromatic Red Cedar Flakes
No Dust
No Flies, Fleas or Insects
Convenient 2.5 Cubic Foot Bags
Plastic Liner Hold Moisture In and Rain Out!
Particles Small Enough to Make Cleaning Faster and Without Major Loss!
Call to make your order for the upcoming show season.

Fischer Cattle Company
1853 N. US Highway 281
Great Bend, KS 67530
Stacey: 620-786-0752
Jeff: 620-282-8364